Friday, August 21, 2009

Pluto - By: Eshniner Forest

Here is what I did today.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

East - Part 2

Here is some footage from what happened when I went East. The recording is something I recorded late last year.
I hope you like it.

I've Returned from the East.

Hello Internet.

I have returned for a brief moment in time. Above is a little 3 min video about my stay in hotel & below is a short one basically testing the computer camera. I will be posting more things here from time to time. I'm working on a way to write and record music with my computer as of now.

I'll be back.

The Beatles Live at the Hollywood Bowl - Capital Recods 1977

I can hardly imagine performing music I wrote to an audience of constant, deafening screams. How did the girls manage to scream for the enti...