Monday, October 12, 2009

The Woosher & Eshniner Forest Comic #1.

Hello... It has been a while, but I have decided to start making comic's again. I use to make a comic called Warde Thang a few years ago & now have a lot of spare time on my hands from time to time. People seem to like little drawings with little stories & well so do I!! Please Enjoy. This One above this text will be a continuing comic, an adventure comic that just will keep going and going. =0)
This here is another idea for another adventure comic. I am still designing all the people and things in it... so it will take more time to do right. This one has a concept behind that I do not really want to mess up on... what i mean is this one will is one of a kind. =>

The Beatles Live at the Hollywood Bowl - Capital Recods 1977

I can hardly imagine performing music I wrote to an audience of constant, deafening screams. How did the girls manage to scream for the enti...