Tuesday, December 15, 2020

ORR COMIC # 2 - Christmas Time!

 I really like Christmas time and spending time with my family. Its really a meaningful time for all of us to look back at the year and reflect about what we have and how important it is to relax a little and have some fun with your family and eat some yummy dinners and laugh! However Christmas music is only good for me on Christmas. Maybe a week before I am in the Christmas music mood and until Christmas my desire to hear it slowly disappears! 

Here are my favorite Christmas Albums...

The Beach Boys Christmas.

The Beatles Christmas Album. 

A Charlie Brown Christmas. 

Brian Wilson - What I Really Want for Christmas. 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Pretty Boys By Paul McCartney - Cover Song from McCartney III


Hello There! I hope you are doing really well! Today was a really nice day at home and I had a lot of fun! During the afternoon I was on Instagram like so many of us are and I saw on Paul McCartney's story feed that one of his songs from his next album McCartney III was being painted on the side of the Amazon building in Mexico City, Mexico! So I instantly did a little screen shot of the lead sheet and from that made my own little chord chart with lyrics. So I interpreted it as best I could and made a little video as well as instructions on how I play it. I have yet to hear Paul's version so I have no clue if its close to his version. Any way I am really excited about Paul's next album and I hope you are too! 

Here are the chords. 

Here is my little lead sheet I transcribed from the Amazon Building in Mexico City! 

I'll See You Next Time! 
Ryan / @TheSpookieMoon

PS: Please Consider Following me on Instagram and Twitter if you enjoy any of this content! It would also be awesome if you subscribe to me on YouTube! I am trying to reach 1000 subscribers and I need genuine people whom like my original music and weird comics. Here is the link to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/eshninerforest 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

The Ghost By The Spooky Blue Translucent Moons - Video from 2011 / Ghost Story!

Today on throw back Thursday I will be sharing a song I wrote be in 2011 on a Ukulele that I bought around the same time. I was living in an apartment in Virginia at the time and I started writing songs on it and taking it everywhere. Listening and watching this video now and how I play it, comes off as I was quite a Ukulele Noob some might think. My strumming was a little weak but at the same time the Ukulele might be a little out of tune. So anyway I wrote this song in 2011 and in 2016 when I was working my album Mystic Ukulele I was needing one or two more songs that feature the Ukulele. So I clicked into my Youtube channel and found The Ghost! I instantly re-learned the song and make a new version for my album Mystic Ukulele. 

The song is about my old house that I grew up in. Me and my sister thought the house was haunted and my mother and father were oddly the only ones who said they saw the ghost. The first story would have be from my mother. She was in the bathroom downstairs and as she was about to leave the bath room she saw a man standing right in front of the bathroom door. She said she could see the man had no legs and from his waist up was the only part she could see. He said he was a dirty looking man and lanky looking like the late 60s version of Frank Zappa. My father was the only other person to claim to have seen this ghost man. Me and my sister and mother all lived there for many years but for some reason this ghost only showed face to my parents. Ok so my dad and my mother had been separated for a few years at this point and my dad would come over on the weekends take me and my sister to do things like go out to lunch or take us for a walk at Stone Mountain. So one of these Saturdays that my dad had come to pick up me and my sister. My dad was downstairs waiting for me and my sister to get ready to go. You know how teens are... they take forever to get ready to go anywhere. So my dad is sitting downstairs and he sees this dirty gentleman walk down the stairs and go into the kitchen. I later get down stairs and so does my sister and we get into my dads car and start driving down the road and my dad asks me and my sister if my mom was dating a guy and we both said no. My dad then proceeded to ask... who was the guy that I saw walk down the stairs? Me and my sister then looked at each other and both of us at the same time said, "You saw the ghost man!" 

Now the song it self is more about the impression I got from the ghost. Again I never saw the ghost man but apparently he was there! I get weird vibes from that house nothing I could explain or understand. For the Ghost song I was just working off the weird vibrations I picked up from the Ghost man!

Other than the video from 2011 you can hear this song in multiple ways. 

Spotify -  https://open.spotify.com/artist/3vWird3CoY8joG0l98a0qI?si=NvFalgyUSTqvpPukm7hA6A

Itunes - https://music.apple.com/us/album/mystic-ukulele/1381127273

Youtube - https://youtu.be/z16LqOu6qZk

Here are the Lyrics! 

The Ghost By The Spooky Blue Translucent Moons. 

You're so sly, just barely getting by.

Through the cracks in the walls, you wander these halls. 

And you feel so alone, Your the ghost of this home.

You're alone! Your alone! 

You watch them sleep at night you weep. 

During the days your better off, but not OK! 

And you can't leave this place, the guiding light is just far away. 

Your Unknown! 

You can't part, your love was your art, you can't stray, its who you are today. 

So you moan, and you cry! 

You're so sly, just barely getting by.

Through the cracks in the walls, you wander these halls. 

And you feel so alone, Your the ghost of this home, You're unknown and you cry!  

You can't part, your love was your art, you can't stray, its who you are today. 

Your Unknown! 

Have Fun!

Ryan / @TheSpookieMoon 

PS: Please Consider Following me on Instagram and Twitter if you enjoy any of this content! It would also be awesome if you subscribe to me on YouTube! I am trying to reach 1000 subscribers and I need genuine people whom like my original music and weird comics. Here is the link to my YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/eshninerforest 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Orr Comic # 0 - The Return of the Comic!


I have two comics types that I make. This type is one that is quickly made called “ORR?” & the other is called Moon World Comic. I plan on posting both here in good time, but for now here is a little comic I made today. It’s about the struggle of making comics, something that I think anyone who makes comics can understand. My comics can be weird and not funny at the same time! So watch out! 

Monday, December 7, 2020

Omar Mathatron By The Spooky Blue Translucent Moon - Full Album 1998.

My first album from 1998 is now available on YouTube. It’s a little under 19 mins long and is a little strange in its entirety of a collection. It’s versatile in its original formats. It’s features midi music, tape cassette recordings, short wave radio transmissions as well as recordings captured in sound recorded the late 90s Windows computer application. 

The album is also available on my Bandcamp here - https://thespookiemoon.bandcamp.com/album/omar-mathatron

See you next time!

Ryan / @TheSpookieMoon 

Friday, December 4, 2020

Dear Moon By Eshniner Forest.


Here is an older song of mine called Dear Moon from October 3rd 2008. I rather like the creepy low budget quality of this home made music video. I most likely made this whole project that night of Halloween in 2008. I want to start posting more of my older content here over time in the coming year. 


Ryan / @TheSpookieMoon 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Full Album Premier of Omar Mathatron from 1998!


Next Sunday - December 6th 2020 I will be premiering  my first album from 1998 on Youtube! The video will go live at 10am and will be a live for about 18 mins. If you subscribe to my Youtube channel you be able to see it in your feed. In the next few days I will be making a few informative post about the recording history of the album as well as details about each song. Until then you can also go ahead of the YouTube premier and listen to the full album on my Bandcamp site. 

Bandcamp Link - https://thespookiemoon.bandcamp.com/album/omar-mathatron

Youtube Link - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo216qW-Mw7eWkzFS0npdCw

Have Fun!

Ryan @TheSpookieMoon

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

My Blogger Return! I hope!

 Hello Internet!

Well it’s time to return to using this web site! After many years of not using it, it’s just seems like the best of my sites to start posting on! Just look at the layout! It’s exciting stuff! I’ll be posting exclusive content here! So Spotify for the last few years has been creating this year sort of review of artists and their music! 

My album Mystic Ukulele received 77 streams of the entire year! 
Temples and Pyramids received 126 streams this year! Woah is all I have to say! I don’t really have the time to promote my music constantly. There are a lot of other things I like to do with my time and sitting in front of a computer promoting my music is just too time consuming. 

So if you are interested in listening to my music 🤗

Here are some links!

Bandcamp - 

Temples & Pyramids - https://thespookiemoon.bandcamp.com/album/temples-pyramids

Mystic Ukulele - https://thespookiemoon.bandcamp.com/album/mystic-ukulele

iTunes - 

Temples & Pyramids - https://music.apple.com/us/album/temples-pyramids/953783522

Mystic Ukulele - https://music.apple.com/us/album/mystic-ukulele/1381127273

Spotify - 

Temples & Pyramids - https://open.spotify.com/artist/1tit24ktAWlJUMajlbhE6R?si=8gKshSqDTee2cex6M9B5-g

Mystic Ukulele - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3vWird3CoY8joG0l98a0qI?si=MEcNmgAnScaLmaa563nv3Q



The Beatles Live at the Hollywood Bowl - Capital Recods 1977

I can hardly imagine performing music I wrote to an audience of constant, deafening screams. How did the girls manage to scream for the enti...