Just click the picture above to go the the site & download songs or the entire album for FREE!! Additionally Here is the best review about Super Barbarian Time Travel 2.
Incredible…!! FIVE STARS
By: Raging Bull 7.... From Pittsburgh.
This is perhaps one of the most inspiring works of music I have ever heard in my entire life!! Track # 6, Donkey and Plow, is perhaps the greatest track on the album. I empathize particularly the lyrics of the song; “I feel like a donkey pulling a wagon… “ Track # 10, Buffalo Run, is also brilliantly done. I’d never heard of Eshniner Forest before but now its become one of my favorite bands …after the Beatles of course. I do hope I-Tunes gets hold of any further albums by Eshniner Forest!
Also Here is a message I recieved from my friend Dave from Connecticut.
I downloaded today your free album. I gotta say, you have changed all my favorite songs! You are like Bob Dylan in that you seem to have a solid core group of songs, but constantly rework them. You are a tremendous fountain of inspiration to me, and I don't know whether I should be glad or sad that you are underground
Warde Thang Cartoon#1
Warde Thang Cartoon#2
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