Hello Internet!
Well it’s time to return to using this web site! After many years of not using it, it’s just seems like the best of my sites to start posting on! Just look at the layout! It’s exciting stuff! I’ll be posting exclusive content here! So Spotify for the last few years has been creating this year sort of review of artists and their music!
Temples and Pyramids received 126 streams this year! Woah is all I have to say! I don’t really have the time to promote my music constantly. There are a lot of other things I like to do with my time and sitting in front of a computer promoting my music is just too time consuming.
So if you are interested in listening to my music 🤗
Here are some links!
Bandcamp -
Temples & Pyramids - https://thespookiemoon.bandcamp.com/album/temples-pyramids
Mystic Ukulele - https://thespookiemoon.bandcamp.com/album/mystic-ukulele
iTunes -
Temples & Pyramids - https://music.apple.com/us/album/temples-pyramids/953783522
Mystic Ukulele - https://music.apple.com/us/album/mystic-ukulele/1381127273
Spotify -
Temples & Pyramids - https://open.spotify.com/artist/1tit24ktAWlJUMajlbhE6R?si=8gKshSqDTee2cex6M9B5-g
Mystic Ukulele - https://open.spotify.com/artist/3vWird3CoY8joG0l98a0qI?si=MEcNmgAnScaLmaa563nv3Q
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